Easily manage the SMTP settings in WordPress with our Mail Baby SMTP Plugin. Our plugin allows you to easily integrate the Mail Baby SMTP service with WordPress. We also added other popular email providers such as Gmail, SMTP.com, SendGrid, SendInBlue, MailGun, and the ability to manually configure a 3rd party SMTP server.

$1.00 /Per Month!

Our SMTP plugin is fully customizable and supports other SMTP Services as well.

  • Mail.Baby API
  • PHP Mail
  • MailGun
  • Gmail
  • SMTP.com
  • SendInBlue
  • Send Grid
  • Other SMTP

To get started login to the WordPress dashboard 


Hover over the Plugins menu and click on Add New.


Use the search box to search for "Mail Baby SMTP"


Click on Install Now. Then click on Activate.


The plugin settings are under the Settings menu item. Settings > Mail Baby SMTP


 To use the Mail Baby SMTP service you must have an active account with us. You can sign up here.


Once your account is active you will need the SMTP key. Directions are available here.


Return to the Mail Baby SMTP plugin and input the FROM email and name along with the API Key.


Save changes and use the "Test Email" tab to send out a test message to make sure everything is working.